Noreen Kruzich
Noreen Kruzich is an advocate for FN/Metis rights, a freelance researcher, with exclusive focus on First Nation & Metis Ancestry/Genealogy and Heritage/History over the last twenty years. She also conducts research for documentaries
& museum exhibits, has worked with organizations such as the Metis Nation of Ontario. Her book The Ancestors are Arranging Things…a journey on the Algonkin Trail (Borealis Press/Ottawa/2011) brought light to the Algonkin First Nation’s 200-year old struggle for recognition of their ancestral territory and their overall inherent rights. Her former column, Our Home on Native Land, in the Madawaska Highlander (2018-2020) has featured people, places and things First Nation or Metis across the Ottawa Valley. Noreen brought her historical research skills to the documentaries, Trick or Treaty directed by the well-known and accomplished Alanis Obomsawin and to Colonization Road directed by award winning actress Michelle St. John. Both roles won the films historical research awards.
Noreen is a former investigative reporter for CBS, ABC and NPR affiliates and former Communications Officer for the Red Cross. She is a member of the Ontario Genealogical Society, and student with the Institute of Genealogical Studies, as well a researcher listed with Library and Archives Canada in Ottawa.
Noreen has spent time learning the Algonquin language (Anishnabemowin), and enjoys First Nation celebrations, events, teachings and workshops. Her maternal lineage goes back to Governor William Bradford of the Plimoth Colony (Mayflower) and to Jamestown, Virginia and Pocahontas, and to New York Dutch fur traders and indigenous ancestral lines. Heritage background --Scot, Irish, British, Dutch, Mohawk, Montauk, Powhatan and really too many to list. Her paternal roots lead to Croatia—a country and peoples who have struggled long for liberation.
Noreen was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan and received a Bachelors Degree at Central Michigan University in Broadcast Journalism.
Over the years, I have thought about the fact that I descend from the Mayflower and I descend from Jamestown- two initial dynamic and ever-changing events for indigenous peoples. And yes, due to this- interwoven in my blood closer to the times of those encounters- are the unions of these people. But there are also the harmful effects, which have been long lasting and inter-generational for indigenous peoples. My hope is that I did my part in truly getting to know some of the indigenous cultures, their "truth history" and that I stood in my lifetime as an advocate of justice for indigenous peoples of Turtle Island.
Noreen Kruzich
Member of the Ontario Genealogical Society
Researcher listed with Library & Archives Canada
Former student of International Institute of Genealogical Studies
Former newsreporter with ABC, CBS and NPR affiliates
Former writer for various magazines/newspapers
Author of The Ancestors are Arranging Things...a journey on the Algonkin Trail

International Institute of Genealogical Studies
Central Michigan Univeristy BA 1980
Algonquin Language classes- Pikwakanagan/Golden Lake, ON