Exclusive Services
The Work of Noreen Kruzich---------------

Genealogy and Dna analysis
Yes, I do exclusively FIRST NATION, METIS AND ANCESTRY WITH INDIGENOUS FAMILY LINES. I follow up with up with research, transcribing documents, sometimes translating them if French and then with the organization of all the information found it is inputted into a Proof Sheet. I also provide a Pedigree Chart in Stage One followed by time in the documentation of findings and their sources. This includes the attachment of documents into Drop Box.
Understand that each project varies considerably in the amount of research and application of it. No two are alike.
I look at various primary and secondary documents, including vital statistics, Hudson Bay Company records, Metis lists, Indian Affairs Treaty Annuity Pay-lists, Metis Scrip Records, Petitions, Govt. Correspondence, Enfranchisement, Treaty Discharges etc. along with contacting agencies or individuals depending on the answers necessary, such as the Truth and Reconciliation Commission for residential school searches, local archives and museums. I also add any social history documents/articles I find on the region researched.
Reasons for research vary from wanting First Nation STATUS, METIS CITIZENSHIP, identifying the First Nation tribe/Band of the family line etc. or simply the fact that someone is curious of a particular surname in their line on whether it leads back to a Treaty peoples or First Nation.
Clients have had me go on to Stage Two or Three depending on various reasons, such as a more in-depth look at a person and the tribe they came from, OR going for FN Status or Metis Citizenship--it varies on why further research is wanted. And then in many cases people are satisfied with Stage One and that is it. Stage Two is often more concentrated/in-depth on specific ancestors or in finding specific answers and includes loading documentation to Drop Box, besides providing a proof sheet, and pedigree chart. I would say about half my clients go on to Stage Two and only a small portion decide on Stage Three usually to answer a question on a new discovery found in Stage Two work.
Putting together a case for First Nation STATUS to INAC often takes more than just Stage One, unless the client has CONFIRMED preliminary research on their ancestry. The same goes for application of Metis Citizenship. Lately, I have received several projects from Metis Citizens, who need to complete their file to meet requirements of the Metis Nation Registry.
I don't do just the genealogy, but go beyond to find articles etc. which provide history/culture of a person/family and provide it even in the first stage. This provides supporting evidence.
Thank you for contacting me. People hear of my work, through my book, through my website, through Library and Archives Canada or another organization or individual and I always like to know how you heard of my services. I’ve been doing this type of research for over twenty years now.
Thanks for your interest and the time frame for each project really varies as each one is different. It sometimes depends on getting documentation back from the various repositories- generally I work on a project for two weeks, some cases four weeks and sometimes longer before completion of Stage One. I take interact e-transfer or a check by mail prior to beginning the project.
I often compile primary documentation which provide evidence for First Nation Status or Metis Citizenship. Building a case for FN Status or Metis Citizenship is a separate stage of work. Lately, this has been my focus.
I NO LONGER do ancestries into the 1600's to find a native connection. And I no longer do every project presented to me, I decide on a project based on the answers I receive to a few questions I pose, plus I may do a preliminary search to see if I wish to go ahead with the project.
Provide what you can for information and it is mandatory that you are looking into one specific ancestral line, such as your maternal grandmother's mother's line. And beginning with an ancestor born before 1921.* The further down the ancestral line for the concentration of research the better. If you have birth and death dates, and locations of those for individuals, please provide those. And I ask that you provide your reason for research.
Cheers! And I truly do believe the ANCESTORS are arranging things.
Noreen Kruzich
In 2023, I turned 65- so I am pairing down my workload, but always feel free to contact me as I will just be doing selective projects. I also will be working on my second book. (UPDATE: at this time, I am retiring in January 2025.) Should you have a project, I may pass it on to an assistant if we decide to take it on. THANK YOU.
*if you are adopted out or do not know your parents/grandparents take an AncestryDNA test so that I can work with DNA.
Historical Research
I can provide text, archival photos, film, historical illustrations/images for your documentary, museum exhibit or cultural center.
I can talk about the research and resources and repositories for First Nation and Metis Genealogy and History. I am also a former writing teacher and my specialty is writing non-fiction.
Readings from my book:
I also do readings from my book and can speak about the specifics of my book - the Ancestors are Arranging Things. Publisher:Borealis Press/Ottawa/2011

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